Friday, October 27, 2017

Without Number...

I made it back to my old stomping ground to engage in what was a massive game of Warhammer 40,000. While the tittle isn't entirely true, it does capture the spirit of the engagement. The game saw the Jornath Fusiliers alongside their allies from the South and those avenging angels of the Adeptus Astartes battle a horde of Orks for the control of the central region of Jornath's major continent.

This was just the table on which my buddy Mark was organizing his "extra" Orks, both sides had fifteen minutes to deploy their forces. That was fairly easy for me with my relatively small band of Fusiliers. I only brought a 1000 points to the 5000 points per side battle.

I opted for a defensive style to my deployment, planning on doing my best to provide a refused flank against a daunting number of greenskins.

The other Imperial forces were compact and fast moving. My friend Nick was going to do what he could to eliminate high value ork targets with his tight armored spearhead and air assets, an aggressive and effective strategy as it would turn out.

The orks spread from edge to edge on the battlefield, they clearly had numbers on their side. Split between the kunningly brutal Aaron and brutally kunning Mark the orks were well led by their warbosses. The Imperial forces were going to be hard pressed to kill enough of them and be able to move into the objectives and secure victory.

The orks surged forward early and the Imperials did all they could to whittle down the horde, despite heavy losses among the ork boyz the majority of ork units fared well in the opening turns.

The Space Marines and Imperial Knight proved invaluable, led by their taciturn commander Chris (not me, my friend of the same name) their cunning urban camouflage allowed them sneak through the majority of incoming ork fire.

The battle featured lots of close firefights and assaults around the objectives, the game was a close run thing till the bottom of the third turn, surprisingly the attrition suffered by the orks began to take its toll. The seemingly numberless horde had been thinned to point where only the hard units remained. With two of the three objectives in Imperial hands and the majority of the day elapsed we called it a close Imperial victory.

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